Magnetic Messaging is a product created by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge.
Basically, it’s a step-by-step guide to phone game that teaches guys the needed skills to attract women by using text messages. If you struggle with getting a girl to meet up with you after you got her number, Magnetic Messaging will be immensely helpful.
Although its main focus lies on text game, the program also touches on face to face communication. This can come in handy when you actually meet up with a girl. And it also goes over the mindset you need to develop when you are interacting with women.
This product is definitely worth checking out because it offers a lot to someone who is unfamiliar with texting girls.
With Magnetic Messaging, you will get access to various e-books and video materials. To give you a better overview of everything it contains, I will list them all below:
The Magnetic Messaging Book comes with quite a lot of texting examples that can be really helpful in your phone game. If your texts lack an adventurous vibe, or you have a hard time coming up with a system on how to text girls so they reply, this book will fix this problem.
The book will give you excellent examples of what to do when girls don’t respond or take longer to get back to you. It even gives you advice on what to do when she flakes on the date you have already set up with her.
The only thing you won’t find in this book is empty promises of getting every girl to respond to you. It has a very realistic view of the phone game and therefore states right from the beginning that it’s not possible to get every girl you want. Instead of trying to do that, you need to make a shift in your mindset.
Magnetic Messaging book is divided into 6 parts:
Part 1 is the introductory part of the book. It gives you the three “ingredients” of an attractive phone game (sparking emotions, making connections, handling logistics) that will also be the common theme running through the whole book.
Part 2 through 4 is basically the meat of the book. It introduces you to the three phases (meeting her, sort of dating her, and dating her) you will go through if you want to become exclusive with a girl. But if you prefer just simple hook-ups, the idea remains the same.
Part 5 will shortly touch on common mistakes in phone game and frequently asked questions.
Part 6 talks about the common mistakes that should be avoided in your phone game and emphasizes the importance of sparking emotions in a woman.
If you need a more detailed overview, here are some of the topics this book talks about:
- The first text – what to write her to get a response
- When should you text her and what to expect
- What to text if she doesn’t remember you
- What to do if she doesn’t respond
- Changing her mind about you
- The right time to call her
- The correct way of complimenting
99 Best Texts of All Time is a short book that consists of 99 text messages. These are quite useful when you are drawing a blank and have a hard time coming up with something funny or witty to text a girl. Many examples are really good and can make a girl laugh and initiate a response from her. The texts are categorized into different situations, so you can find and use them faster when you need to.
The only weakness I could find with this book is that a few texts are somewhat average or hard to understand if you’re not familiar with pop culture references. Nevertheless, most texts are really good and if you add your own twist and style to them (what you really should do!) then they will come really handy.
The Key Lock Sequence consists of a video and an hour-long interview with Bobby and Rob.
In the video, Rob talks about his phone game and how to implement it correctly. Along with the hour-long interview, these two added materials give the program even more depth. They touch on many subjects already discussed in the book and give additional advice you should know about phone game.
The Infatuation Formula is an add-on video series to the main book. This is the part of the program that goes over the face-to-face communication. It consists of 4 videos with a combined length of almost 2,5 hours. Basically, the Infatuation Formula talks about the following topics:
- What is attraction and how to build it
- What kind of guys get girls
- How to demonstrate masculine qualities to her
- How to deal with introverts and extroverts
- Creating chemistry and rapport the right way
- Making her feel special in your company
The Bonuses
The bonuses to the program come in 5 additional materials – one e-book and 5 videos with 2,5 hours of footage. Without going much into detail about them, they include topics like how to eliminate rejection, how to deal with a breakup, twelve conversational topics, and more.
They aren’t particularly related to phone game but are definitely a valuable addition to your game.
The Good
- Excellent advice on phone game and face-to-face interactions
- Step-by-step guide taking you through phone game
- Text examples you can use instantly
- No BS baiting you with false promises
- A lot of bonus material
The Bad
- Some ideas could have been fleshed out more
- Some examples in the book 99 Best Texts of All Time aren’t really that good
Why You Should Get It
Since most women have their phone with them at all times, phone game has become an essential part of every guy’s repertoire who wants to become good with women. The reason why you should get Magnetic Messaging is simple – it is just that good.
It will really help you to make your phone game exceptional by teaching you everything you would ever need to know about phone game while at the same time helping to polish other aspects of the game.
You will learn how to stand out from other men in your texts thus making her more likely to reply only to you. You will also know what mistakes men do when they are texting a girl so you can avoid them. You will get enough good examples so you have a solid understanding of how text game works.
The Bottom Line
This is a quality product for guys starting out with phone game. It helps you to make your texts more playful and adventurous therefore having a better chance of getting a reply. It’s ideal for men who have no problems getting numbers but struggle with getting a response from a woman or pushing the interaction to a date.